Friday, February 6, 2009

still struggling- but did it for the team

I am still struggling with this virus that has caused all my joints to feel like they are full of concrete. My temperature has at least come down from 103 to 99.

My joint hurt enough and are so stiff that I have been using my cane today to walk.

Yeah I probably should have stayed home today, but the company I work for has been planning this marketing event at the local mall- since we are a small company- just the Chiropractor , a marketing /front desk director and myself, event like this one require all hands on deck. So I did for the team today.

I worked the office this morning with the boss and then headed to the mall where we manned our table.

Let me tell - I was amazed at the teenagers - Scared actually. The number of young teenage girls that are expecting amazes me- 12 -14 yr old girls expecting. Seriously, I know I am old- but at 12-14 sex was the last thing on my mind, hell even at 18 sex was the last thing on my mind.
I didn't date till I met my late husband, but I had good male friends. 1 of which I have been friends with since JR high, and am honored to say he and I are still good friends. We hung out alot during our high school yrs and college, but we were friends, we talked, hung out, broke curfew, etc so I really don't understand this rush to have babies.

The other scary thing is how they dress- its unbelievable- all I kept thinking about is WHY ARE THEY ALLOWED OUT OF THE HOUSE DRESSED THIS WAY?
I would have been locked in a closet if I had attempted to leave the house dressed in some of this outfits. I had my boss laughing - when I told him that at age 18 or maybe 19 the above mention friend invited me to a movie. He told my parents that the movie didn't start till midnight, and lasted about 2 to 3 hours. Since my parents adored this friend and considered him family they totally trusted my safety and gave the ok. Well when I arrived home at 3 AM or so my Mom happened to be awake- and I got to spent the next 3 hours explaining The Rocky Horror picture show and the reason why a trip to a midnight showing of a movie would have me return home with my clothing wet and rice in my hair. I wonder what some of these parents say when their kids come home with Orange hair and outfits fit for the block.

The mall offered alot of temptations food wise- but maybe because I still have no appetite I was able to avoid the the Chick filet, Dairy Queen, and Auntie Annies Pretzels .

I did however give in to my other temptations and came home with 2 new pairs of shoes and 5 new pair of earrings.

On a high note I had on my navy blue blazer today- haven't had it on in about a year and boy is it now big.

I am still struggling mentally with the whole am I really worth all this work conversation. Not sure how to work my way out of it.


1 comment:

Jeff said...

Now those are some temptations worth giving in too!