Sunday, January 30, 2011

What kin of life are you living?

What kind of life are you living?

Are you living a good life, a healthy life, a smart life, a fun life? Do you make good choices for yourself most of the time? Do you enjoy the life you are living?

I hear folks tell me they cannot afford to eat healthy, WHAT? How can you afford not to eat healthy? Or folks tell me they do not have the time to live a healthy life.

I just do not understand these things, but nor do I understand the folks I see on the highway riding motorcycles without helmets.

I am frequently asked how can I be so up, happy and positive so much of the time. Easy it’s a choice I make every day. I used to not, I used to be depressed, miserable and defeatist. I made a choice to STOP THAT.

Living a healthy life starts with your head, you have to believe you are worth it; you have to make a commitment to yourself and then choose to honor that commitment every day. For so many years I thought I was worthless, I thought I didn’t deserve to be happy, to be living a happy healthy life. I was wrong.

Notice I did not say a life free of problems, pain or issues, NO we all have those things, but we can choose to let them stop us or we can find a way to keep going while dealing with them. For instance- I have talked on and off a few times over the past several months about the dizziness I have been experiencing, well that has not gone away, but I have developed ways to just keep going, to keep moving forward with my life. That doesn’t mean I have stopped trying to figure out why I feel dizzy. It just means I am living my life to the fullest while in the inquiry.

Here are some simple but helpful tips for you to life a healthy life:

• Chew your food for a minute before swallowing it. A meal should take 15-20 minutes to eat. NOT 5 minutes
• Keep healthy snacks like grapes, apples, pears, carrots, celery sticks or nut on hand. Much better for you then Potato chips.
• Clean out your pantry and kitchen- get rid of all the unhealthy stuff
• Remember Moderation is the KEY
• Write yourself a positive affirmation and read it aloud to yourself several times a day.
• Always remember to the world you are 1 person, but to someone you are the world.

There are many choices to me made on this amazing journey.

Love and Laughter



What kin of life are you living?

What kind of life are you living?

Are you living a good life, a healthy life, a smart life, a fun life? Do you make good choices for yourself most of the time? Do you enjoy the life you are living?

I hear folks tell me they cannot afford to eat healthy, WHAT? How can you afford not to eat healthy? Or folks tell me they do not have the time to live a healthy life.

I just do not understand these things, but nor do I understand the folks I see on the highway riding motorcycles without helmets.

I am frequently asked how can I be so up, happy and positive so much of the time. Easy it’s a choice I make every day. I used to not, I used to be depressed, miserable and defeatist. I made a choice to STOP THAT.

Living a healthy life starts with your head, you have to believe you are worth it; you have to make a commitment to yourself and then choose to honor that commitment every day. For so many years I thought I was worthless, I thought I didn’t deserve to be happy, to be living a happy healthy life. I was wrong.

Notice I did not say a life free of problems, pain or issues, NO we all have those things, but we can choose to let them stop us or we can find a way to keep going while dealing with them. For instance- I have talked on and off a few times over the past several months about the dizziness I have been experiencing, well that has not gone away, but I have developed ways to just keep going, to keep moving forward with my life. That doesn’t mean I have stopped trying to figure out why I feel dizzy. It just means I am living my life to the fullest while in the inquiry.

Here are some simple but helpful tips for you to life a healthy life:

• Chew your food for a minute before swallowing it. A meal should take 15-20 minutes to eat. NOT 5 minutes
• Keep healthy snacks like grapes, apples, pears, carrots, celery sticks or nut on hand. Much better for you then Potato chips.
• Clean out your pantry and kitchen- get rid of all the unhealthy stuff
• Remember Moderation is the KEY
• Write yourself a positive affirmation and read it aloud to yourself several times a day.
• Always remember to the world you are 1 person, but to someone you are the world.

There are many choices to me made on this amazing journey.

Love and Laughter



Sunday, January 23, 2011

What makes you happy?

What makes you happy?

It’s been a busy week, and I am still lost in thoughts of last week. I have been thinking about what one of the speakers that kept talking about what makes you happy? This is a conversation my coach and I have had many many times. Most people look to the outside for happiness, when really it’s from within. It’s a choose.
One of my Great Uncles used to say that any day he could get out of bed by himself was going to be a good day. That was him choosing to be happy.

I have tried to adopt that mindset. To choose to be happy to choose to enjoy life.
I have been thinking all week long about what makes me happiest, it seems to be the simplest things in life that make me happy:

The way my Nephew’s get excited by used Casino chips from Vegas
The way my cat curls herself on my chest and purrs till she is asleep at night
A call from a friend
Sunshine on my face
The smell of the spring flowers

Notice NONE of these are food related. So many times I thought and felt FOOD was the means to feel good. I am not alone in this. For many years I turned to food for comfort in the good times and the bad. Many many people do. I was wrong to think that Ice cream would make me happy or less stressed. Sure it tastes good but that is about it.

Happiness is a choice? What makes you happy? Do you choose happiness? Do you seen happiness or comfort in food

This journey is all about chooses, enjoy them. Be HAPPY

Love and Laughter



Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year, New you- How was your first week of 2011?

New Year, New You…. How was your first week of 2011?
It was the first full week of the New Year and all of our Projects to take care of ourselves.

So how did you do?

Me well I did not so great. Not having a working stove for the last 2 and ½ weeks has proven to be a bigger challenge then I thought to my eating lifestyle- after all I profess to not cook.

There are still too many of the holiday goodies around home and work, not being able to cook makes it very easy to fall back into bad habits and that is exactly what I did. Several meals out, cold sandwiches for dinner, skipping meals all together, etc.
I have talked before about how this time of the year brings about a major depression for me emotional. I hate this cold weather, the short days bother me, the lack of sun is the biggest thing as its where the body gets the most efficient source of vitamin D. Being depressed just makes the bad habits easier too.

Well I am done whining and will be moving on, making better choices for my new and improved lifestyle.

So how did you do? What is getting in your way of living a great lifestyle? How can I help you get there?

This journey is meant for friends. So join me in the fun.

Love and Laughter

