Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thinking back and moving forward

I woke up this morning thinking about where I was 23 years ago today. Today is my 23rd Anniversary. My husband is deceased now, has been for about 2 and 1/2 years now.

How I remember this day 23 years ago- it was HOT - Horrible HOT- 103 degrees hot when we walked out of the NON air condition church at 11 AM, My dress weight 22lbs on its own, I was overweight as I have been all my life, My husband was larger then me. I was sweating horribly, and by the time I got out of that dress I had hives everywhere it touched.

Edward was a good man even after 7 stroked he tried his best to make me laugh. Ours was not the usual courtship, no we met over the phone- he was a client of the alarm monitoring company I worked for, we talked for 6 weeks on the phone before ever meeting, then 1 day he asked me to lunch and proprosed and I accepted, 13 months later we were married.

I realized how different I am then I was then- besides the fact that I was only 22 then and am now 45, besides that- there are so many other diffences- back then when I was upset or anxious I ate- not I go for a swim, back then I would go all day without eating a realy meal thinking that was going to help me loss weight now I get it that eating something small every 3 hours is soo much better for my metoblism.
Back them Ice cream, hot dogs and mac and cheese were main stays in my diet, now adays its fruits, veggies and good proteins.

Yes I would dearly love to be married again- I do better as a significant other, so far I haven't met the right man- I hope and pray there is another one out there for me.

The journey takes us places we never expected to be- but its all part of the ride, so buckle up and enjoy it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Life is getting interesting here

Wow is life getting very interesting these days. For starters I am noticing so much about how things used to be:

Last night my friend and I stopped at friendly's for a quick dinner- (chesseburger with out the roll) while we were there I noticed a teenager eating a reese's peices sundae. This sundae has 5 scoops of ice cream- chocolate,marshmellow, peanut butter, whipped cream, etc...
When I was in high school my friend ( who's name I will not mention) and I used to go for pizza and then for 1 of those sundaes. I dont know how we did that.

I notice that I order meals totally differently too, no more deep fried, highly fat loaded foods- Friday night a good friend took his sister and I to ruth chris for dinner-I had escargot, salad w/vinegrette dressing, filet w/broiled shrimp... Big difference from the last time I was there.

Tuesday morning I stepped on the scale at the gym- I dont weight myself often- would just make me nuts and this isnt about numbers for me - I was shocked to discover that the scales said I was 102.4 lbs lighter then 8 months ago. ITs taken a week to sink in to my head.

My clothes are all to big and some are even sliding off. I did buy a couple of summer dresses to wear to work, but they are even a bit loose now too.

Life is interesting- we are entering the hot humid summer here in MD- and I can't wait to be swimming outside, and tanning and doing all the fun summer things- I am not much of an outdoors girl. My allergeies are awful, but I am looking forward to a fun summer.

Life is interesting and the Journey is getting good.

Happy Memorial day to you all- be healthy , be safe, be alive.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lots of cool changes in the last 2 weeks

There have been lots of really great changes in the 2 weeks I have been without working and stable internet here at home.
I thought I would take a moment to share them:

#1- I had to pull the drivers seat up a notch.

#2-I bought 2 summer dresses 1 is 5 sizes smaller then last summer its a bit tight right now across my chest but will fit fine in a few weeks, the other is 4 sizes smaller and looks great on.

#3-I had to make another PCP order reduction in my insulin injections and it looks like I am heading for another very quickly as the numbers just aren't coming up to what they should be.

#4- THis morning my boss was the Doc on site for a local 5K run- I was able to help him put the tent up, move boxes , run back and forth from the car without huffing and puffing, and without pain.

#5-Foods I once loved that were not good for me are now making me ill just smelling them.

#6- I can now chase and catch my cat when she needs her claws trimmed.

#7-Exercising is getting much much easier.

#8-I no longer need a seat belt extenter in the car

#9- My brother keeps asking if I am sure I am not sick...( this is a good thing cause he usually doesnt notice anything)

#10-I have had to pack up many of my old clothes as they just can't be worn anymore.

Life is good.

The Journey is getting fun.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life without the internet

About 11 days ago my DSL went down, so did my phone line. I called Verizon and they send 1 person out who couldn't get it fixed, so they called in a higher level service ticket and a second person came out, that 1 couldnt find the problem either.
That was last week.
Monday of this week some came out and looked at my wires and cables and filed an even higher level service ticket. Tuesday when I got home from work there was a message taped to my door that said the underground lines were bad and a "team" would be out Wednesday. Last night when I got home from work there was a mount of dirt in front of my bedroom windows. Today I got home- dirt gone, 4 lights lite on my modem.

I am a happy camper.

Yeah I am addicted to the internet.

Glad to be back

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The difference a year makes

This morning my Nephew Hunter made his first communinion for you non- catholics- this is considered the third sacrement in life and its an important one.

I am extermely proud of both my nephews. Hunter is 8 and looked so handsome in his double breasted navy blue suit.

These boys amaze me- Nick the oldest is going to be 14 in 3 weeks, and is already 6'4"

Hunter is 8 and 5'3" already. Both of these guys were born premature- they were so tiny and fragile when I held them to my chest just minutes after their births. Now look at them.

The 1 Photo was taken a year ago (I an in Pink then and blue today)- and to- WOW what a difference a year has made in both of them.

I enjoyed being their with them today. I love these two young men with all my heart.

Life's journey is more fun with family along