Friday, February 13, 2009

My favorite things

My 8 yr old nephew called me a little while ago all excited that he was doing a Sunday school assignment for his class tomorrow.

His assignment was to interview 5 female in his family and ask them what their favorite things are.

I thought I would share mine with you- please feel free to share yours too:

1- When my bedroom fills with the first morning sunlight.

2- The way my kitten curls up on my chest and purrs herself to sleep at night

3-The smell of the air after a spring rain

4- The taste of a crispy fresh apple.

5-Pink things

6-My nephews laughter

7- Big hugs

8-The wonderful handmade gifts from my nephews.- Specifically the blue and yellow chocolate chip playdoe cookie that is now a paper weight on my desk, or the Hand ashtray ( never smoked a day in my life) that hold pocket change on my dresser.

9-The sound of Barry Manolow singing.

10- Flowers blooming

I helps sometimes to presence yourself to these simple things.

Enjoy the Journey...

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