Monday, January 26, 2009

Pain- or why it is such fun being a girl....

I have always thought it was a really cool thing being female- that is till this last week.

Last weekend while I was in Las Vegas- I started experience left side groin pain. At first it wasn't bad, and I thought perhaps I had pulled a muscle or something. As the weekend progressed so did the pain, so that by Monday when we got home I was concerned I have maybe caused a hernia or something.

Wednesday I had an appointment with my new PCP and asked her to check it out. She could not find anything herniated but did a quick pelvic and felt like there was something with the left ovary and suggested I see my GYN- which I did on Friday afternoon.

The pain was really bad by Friday afternoon and my GYN did a sonogram and sure enough that ovary was very enlarged, due to my size and the swelling of the ovary he was unable to tell if there was a cyst within the ovary or on it. But suggested that over 90% of ovarian cysts in women are self resolving. He did however caution that they do sometime rupture and if I felt that was what I was experiencing I might want to go to the ER. Well DUH...
I left his office with prescriptions for Naproxen and Lor tab, and was told to take it easy.
Saturday night I was in horrible pain. I took myself to the ER- what a joke, they did another sonogram determined that the left ovary was still in tact - gave me a prescription for steroids and Deluded for the pain and said go home and rest.

So yesterday taking a shower was my most strenuous exercise, I worked today, and the pain is subsided just a bit, but its still painful to move around much.

Its all part of the journey I guess...

1 comment:

mem said...

Terry how do you feel today? No one told you anything about why that may be happening I suppose. I would guess the steriods must be for swelling. I hope you feel better.
Take care, Mem