Sunday, January 18, 2009

Home from Vegas

I'm home, cold and tired - a good kind of tired, a kind of tired that comes from walking a LOT in 4 days, not sleeping much and having had a great time.

As for the goal- YES I was able to do all the walking without back pain, it actually felt good to walk and have a good time with friends I only get to see once a year.

Vegas was full of temptations. The old Terry slipped back in to play for a few moments on Friday Evening. My boss and I had gone to the Hilton buffet for dinner. Dinner went great- lots of good protein choices, I decided I wanted to have a bit of something sweet- my boss did too- so he suggested I just get a few different things and we could share. WELLLLLLL
a few things- I came back to the table with 9 different chocolate treats and a bowl of chocolate and vanilla frozen yogurt twist. My boss thank fully took the plate of treats away from me and told me to enjoy the frozen yogurt.
I really wanted just a spoonful of this chocolate/raspberry brownie treat. I spoonful was way too sweet and I didn't even finish the 1 spoonful.

All in all Vegas was great- I have been wanting for a while now a GET ADJUSTED polo shirt. Well this weekend I purchased the largest size they had and I figure in about 60 more pounds I will be able to fit into it.
That shirt is my next goal.

Loving this Journey.


1 comment:

Jeff said...

Glad you were able to walk pain free.

Not bad trying just one treat -- nothing wrong with that. Picking up nine in the first place? Well. . .

The shirt is a great motivator. Mine was a Macy's off-the-rack button down. Took about 4 months for that one to fit, but it finally did.