Sunday, January 4, 2009

Looking forward

Well this week was a bit better then last week. The new office is looking great, my office is lite lavender and dark purple with white chair rail and trim. It looks awesome. After waiting a week for the electrician to finish the wiring we are now done.

The folks responsible for our X-ray equipment begin their install tomorrow, we are still waiting on the new tables and frankly I am getting ready to cancel that order all together since they aren't being cooperative.

Eating wise- it was a better week. New years eve I went to dinner with a dear old friend that is recovering from Liver transplant surgery. She is 8 weeks into her recovery and feeling good, she was eager to celebrate the New Year. We went to a Japanese steak house- my first time and it was incredible. The food was fresh, healthy and delicious. I topped the evening off with some pink ( of course) champagne as I watched the ball drop on TV. It seems like it gets harder and harder to make it till midnight. My nephews made it till 3 am. Not me I was in bed by 12:45.

2009 holds alot of promise- its going to be an awesome year. I am committed to my weight loss journey, committed to falling in love with the man of my dreams, committed to the practice growing and thriving, and most of all committed to living life.
I am looking into ballroom dance classes as that is something I have always wanted to do.
I am also going to join a gym ( yes I said that) the local brick bodies is less then a mile from my new office- they open at 5 AM (anyone really get up that early) and they have a complete aquatic center.

I played football with the nephews today- yep I am too old to be doing that but it was funny any way.

Are you enjoying your journey?

1 comment:

Jeff said...

2009 will be a great year and 5 am is a GREAT time to be in the gym!

Awesome plan, Terry.