Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Off To Las Vegas

Tomorrow after work I leave for the Annual Parker Chiropractic Seminar in Las Vegas . It's always AMAZING!!!!! There is just something so awwh inspiring about being with 6 or 7 thousand other like mind people focused on 1 vision, 1 idea, 1 betterment for mankind.

I won't preach about the benefit of Chiropractic - I'll wait till I get home on Sunday and am all fired up from the weekend for that.

This will be year #6 for me, each year has posed to be a challenge for me as its nearly a 1/2 mile walk ( Ok Jeff and Aaron I know you guys run tons more then that) from the room to the seminars. Normal I have to stop at least once because my back and knees are hurting so bad I can't stand it and my breathing is usual labored.
The first goal I set with my coach was to be able to do this weekend Pain free and drug free. There is lots of walking in store, some dancing, lots of inspiration and fun in store.
I will let you all know how I did when I get home.

Life is an awesome Journey.....

1 comment:

Gigi said...

Wow. Small world. Parker Chiropractic College is about 10 minutes from my house. There is probably more chiropractors per capita in my congregation at church than anywhere else on the planet. LOL

Enjoy yourself at your convention but remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... ;- )