Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Double ear infections and strep throat

That is the doctors diagnosis. Started feeling bad yesterday and by this morning I was walking like a drunk person, running a fever, and could barely swallow.

My boss made me go see my PCP. She was the one the diagnosised the double inner ear infections and the strep throat.

I was given an anti-botic and a medication to help with the dizziness. That medication makes me very sleepy.

I will be home tomorrow. So far the only thing I have been able to even get down are a couple of sugar free popsciles..

The doctor suggested - Juices , lots of fluids, popsciles, tea , vitamin C and lots of rest.

I hope all you have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy the day.

Life is a journey - enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

... and don't forget the chicken noodle soup ... Hope you're feeling better real soon!