Sunday, November 8, 2009

Answering all the questions

Answering all the questions
Wow, so many questions after last week’s blog- here are all the answers.

NO- I am not afraid or concerned leaving my apartment at 5 something in the morning.
YES- it is very dark at 5 Am
NO- I am not the only car on the road at that hour, actually there is more traffic at 5:15 Am during the week then there is at 7:15 on Saturday mornings.
Yes-Believe it or not Brick Bodies is open and busy at 5:30 in the morning.
Yes- Brick Bodies does have a life guard on duty, Personal Trainers and other staff working at 5 AM- and they are all very nice and helpful.
Yes – it is quiet outside at that hour of the morning.
No – I am not the only 1 in the pool – actually there are usually 7 or 8 other people in the pool at that time.
No – Joining the gym was not easy for me, it took me months to actually join and then for a long while after I joined I would sit in the car in the morning and have to give myself a 20 minute pep talk to just go in. I felt I didn’t belong there. The more I went the more I liked going, the more I got to know other members and some of the trainers and staff, and now it’s like going to Cheers- everybody knows my name….
Yes – I drink A LOT of water a day- somewhere between 150 and 200 ounces a day- how I do this is simple. I always have a water bottle with me, I have a number of bottles plastic, stainless steel and aluminum ones, I prefer the aluminum ones because they keep the water colder longer, they don’t have the supposed toxin plastic does and they are lighter to carry, but I use all the bottles in my collection. Most of my bottles are 20 or 24 oz bottles , I refill these bottles often thru out the day- by day’s end I have consumed 7 to 10 bottle full of water. Here at home I have one of those pitchers with the filter on it, I keep it filled and in the fridge at all times. At the office I have a filter/purifier on the tap I keep a container of water in the fridge there too. I prefer cold water for several reasons - #1 I have suffered with throat problems most of my adult life, I have had my tonsils removed twice and the cold just feels better. #2- The body must burn calories to bring the water to body temperature before digesting it, burning calories is a good thing.
Ariel’s story – Ariel adopted me when she was a 9 week old kitten. She has been with me since; she will be 2 on April 15, 2010. She is incredible spoiled, and some of that isn’t my doings. Ariel was the runt of the liter of 5, she has 4 brothers, and the Mother Cat rejected her, so she was bottle fed by the Mother cat’s owner and then the Vet that gave her to me. Oh yes I have spoiled her more, but she come with that already started. She is a wonderful source of love in my world. Nothing makes a bad day turn good then her curling up on my chest and purring herself to sleep at night.
Organization- Well yes I guess I am organized. I already know what slacks, shirt, under garments, shoes and earrings I will be wearing tomorrow. They are in fact already packed in my gym bag, along with my towel, and other stuff for the gym.
Sleep- It’s an important factor in any healthy lifestyle- usually I go to bed around 9 or 9:30 and get up at 5 AM. Up until just recently I had been sleeping thru the night, lately I have been suffering with Restless leg syndrome- which is where the legs seem to take on a mind of their own and twitch and jump all night long. I am working with my boss and a few other Chiropractic friends to get this to stop.
What is a chiropractic lifestyle- A chiropractic lifestyle is one of natural and holistic healing. Chiropractors believe in the body’s own innate ability to heal itself. This is done by keeping the central nervous system in alignment so that signal flow correctly from your brain down to you organs. Medications and surgeries should always be the last resort. I believe in this whole heartedly.
I believe everyone should have a Chiropractor as part of their health and wellness team.

I will not be getting the H1N1 vaccine or any other vaccine for that matter. I do not believe we need them. If your body is in good health (see above about chiropractic lifestyle) then your immune system will work correctly. These vaccines contain chemicals and toxins that just are not good for human beings. Don’t believe me- do some research on the guadisal vaccine and what is happening to young women when some of them get it. Look at the Red skins Cheerleader who after receiving the season flu vaccine is now hasving unexplained untreatable neurologic issues. That vaccine by her own words has destroyed her life. Again these are just my opinions, but I will not be getting any flu shots this year, or any other year.
SODAS- I don’t drink them anymore. I used to drink between 6 and 12 cans of Ginger Ale a day. The first week I was working with my coach and he had me cut out sodas I dropped 12lbs in 1 week. Sodas are full of chemicals and sugar. Neither are good for you. On August 17 I had my tonsil removed for the second time. As they nurses were trying to wake me up my blood sugars dropped to below 30 - very dangerous levels. They gave me ginger ale to bring it up quickly. Yes with in 15 minute my blood sugars had gone from below 30 to 84. SUGAR. By the time I got home from the hospital that afternoon, my stomach hurt so badly from the gas in the soda- I think it hurt more than my throat. I do drink about 8oz of Orange Juice every morning with my medications and vitamins. I buy the no sugar added kind. Occasionally I will have a cup or glass of tea, and sometimes even a cup of coffee or a glass of Iced Coffee. I never put sugar in them.
Cravings- Yes I still have them. I have a 3 day rule for cravings. If I have been craving something for 3 days or more I go out and eat it. IE- 2 weeks ago I was craving Mint Chocolate chip Ice cream, after 5 days of this craving- I had a single scoop Ice cream cone of this. Not the greatest thing in the world but it satisfied my craving.
Over doing it- Yep I have done it and have hurt myself, this past summer I was trying to do a 1 armed pushup in the pool and tore a muscle in my shoulder. I had done other things that have injured me. I try not to but it happens. I work for a chiropractor so he can usually fix me, because I live a chiropractic lifestyle even when I have these injuries they heal pretty quickly thanks to the great Adjustments I get from my boss.
Indulging- This is something I try not to do too often, but it does happen. Last week some friends and I were at Golden Corral- the buffet place. I had done really well until I heard the dessert bar calling my name- then I lost my head, some soft serve ice milk, a chocolate cupcake and a chocolate truffle and OH MY did I get sick…. Yep my coach laughed. It happens, we are all human, and I got up the next morning recommitted to eating right.
Men- Most of my really great friends in life are guys, I have a few great female friends but they are outnumbered by the males. I love my all my friends. My male friends are just that FRIENDS. About a year and ½ ago I decided I had sufficiently mourned my husband passing and was ready to start dating and hopefully fulfill on the promise Edward (late husband) made me make to him. Well so far that quest is not going so well. I am open to it, but so far the dating game isn’t too much fun.

This journey is amazing; I am meeting new people and gaining a new confidence in myself.

Enjoy the journey- you never know who you will meet on it.

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