Sunday, February 13, 2011

Love is in the air

Love is in the air
Love is in the air
Love is in the air
Oh oh oh

Love is in the air
In the rising of the sun
Love is in the air
When the day is nearly do

Tom Jones made this song popular when I was a kid- I remember hearing it coming from the radio my Mom kept in the kitchen. I recall her singing along to it.

As we prepare to celebrate Valentine’s Day tomorrow. We think about love, yes there is that amazing romantic love between two people that have declared themselves forever the other persons. This is an amazing love and should NEVER for any reason be thought of as anything less than truly a pure and inspirational love. As I write this today I have friends that are renewing their Marriage vows after more than 15 years together. Congrats Rick and Tina, may your marriage and the marriages of all my friends and followers last a long long long time.

There are other kinds of love too. The love a parent has for a child , the love a child has for a parent, the love siblings have for each other, the love our friends have for us and that we have for them. But there is 1 IMPORTANT LOVE that we all tend to ignore. The love of self.

It wasn’t till I figured out that I needed to LOVE myself, the way I love the others in my life, to begin this weight loss journey. This was such a hard concept for me to learn. I still struggle with it, not nearly as much as I once did.

Once I figured out that I needed to love myself, my life and lifestyle changed. It’s because I love myself that I get up and go to the gym. It’s the motivation for me to each right; it’s what prompts my choice of salad over fried chicken, or a protein shake verse a chocolate milk shake.

Find it within yourself to love you for who and what you are.

As we celebrated Valentine’s day- remember to tell those special people in your life that you LOVE THEM.

I love all of you, especially those of you that loved me even when I didn’t love me.

This journey is so much better with LOVE.

Love and Laughter



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