Sunday, March 6, 2011

What is on your bucket list?

What is on your Bucket List?

Turning 47 this week has made me start thinking about all the things on my bucket list. A few years ago I wrote 101 things to do before I die list, but there were a lot of redundancies on that list.
Of course I have a list of things I want to do before I die. Things like see both Nephews graduate from High School, College, get married and have children of their own. There are all the places I want to travel to, and then there are the dare devil things I have a desire to do.

A bucket list is nothing more than a list of goals we wish to see, do or achieve in our lives. Of course there are things I have crossed off my original list, they are not all epic, but there are fun, things like getting to see the Magic Kingdom, Dancing in the streets with Chip and Dale, Being recognized for the work I do in the Chiropractic industry. Continuing to lose weight, I weigh in on the first Friday of the month, when I got on the scale this past Friday I was amazed to see that I had lost 12.4 lbs in a month.

In many many ways turning 47 was on a list I wrote mentally years and years ago. Life continues to move and grow and we has human beings must continue to grow and move with it. When I say life really is great- I truly do mean it. LIFE IS GREAT!

Along the way I continue to grow, to make friends, and live a health life and most importantly to have fun.

So what is on your bucket list? What things do you want to accomplish before your time on this earth is up?

The journey should be full of fun and friends.

Love and Laughter



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