Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year, New you- How was your first week of 2011?

New Year, New You…. How was your first week of 2011?
It was the first full week of the New Year and all of our Projects to take care of ourselves.

So how did you do?

Me well I did not so great. Not having a working stove for the last 2 and ½ weeks has proven to be a bigger challenge then I thought to my eating lifestyle- after all I profess to not cook.

There are still too many of the holiday goodies around home and work, not being able to cook makes it very easy to fall back into bad habits and that is exactly what I did. Several meals out, cold sandwiches for dinner, skipping meals all together, etc.
I have talked before about how this time of the year brings about a major depression for me emotional. I hate this cold weather, the short days bother me, the lack of sun is the biggest thing as its where the body gets the most efficient source of vitamin D. Being depressed just makes the bad habits easier too.

Well I am done whining and will be moving on, making better choices for my new and improved lifestyle.

So how did you do? What is getting in your way of living a great lifestyle? How can I help you get there?

This journey is meant for friends. So join me in the fun.

Love and Laughter



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